扩大ed partnership makes virtual programming accessible across all campuses

Technology Council of Central 宾西法尼亚 logo and the Penn State logo

This expanded relationship is designed to empower Penn State students and enrich their academic experience while providing them with valuable opportunities to connect with industry professionals, 同行和思想领袖.


宾州大学公园. ——学生, faculty and staff across all Penn State campuses will now have free access to virtual technology programming provided by the Technology Council of Central 宾西法尼亚 (TCCP), thanks to a newly expanded partnership with TCCP spearheaded by Penn State Harrisburg, 理事会的长期成员.

TCCP connects members and organizations to promote technology and fuel economic development in the central 宾西法尼亚 region. TCCP began its efforts to support and promote tech within Central PA in 1996 and has grown to provide a variety of more programs that bring the latest in technology to the University community.

“We value our strong partnership of more than 20 years with TCCP that now allows us to work together with the technology community across the state, unleashing tremendous potential for 宾西法尼亚 to thrive,大卫·M说。. Callejo Pérez, interim chancellor and dean at Penn State Harrisburg.

Alexis Gosik, president and chief executive officer of the TCCP, echoed the sentiment.

"TCCP is thrilled by this expanded partnership with Penn State," Gosik said. "This collaboration symbolizes a union between academic expertise, lifelong learning and industry innovation — a synergy that that holds the promise of continuing to advance our region's technological landscape."

The expanded partnership focuses on creating opportunities to prepare students for future careers by exposing them to various programs in tech. 教师 and staff are encouraged to include the TCCP programs within their coursework assignments and student projects. Students can access the TCCP programs through promotional codes provided on the 免费mg不朽情缘试玩TCCP网站. Codes are provided for each campus and are accessible with a valid Penn State e-mail address. 教师 and staff can also access the programs and other benefits using the promotional codes by creating a TCCP account. 通过电子邮件联系TCCP (电子邮件保护).

Some of the programs available to the University include:

  • Tech Talks — virtual sessions on a variety of topics such as case studies, 主旨发言人, and news within central 宾西法尼亚
  • Tech Works — a forward-facing recurring event focused on human resources topics
  • Women in Tech — a quarterly virtual breakfast, each focusing on a special topic. The February session will highlight Miss 宾西法尼亚, Miranda Moore and her career in STEM
  • Peer Learning Groups — a recurring event co-facilitated by subject matter experts in various fields that focuses on peer learning, 当前趋势的讨论, 和更多的
  • "Let’s Talk TCCP" — a recurring meeting focused on the benefits of membership with TCCP
  • Women in Tech Mentoring 程序 — a program focused on pairing women established in their careers with selected mentees to focus on special topics each month, 或者通过虚拟连接, 混合或亲自

“We are grateful to the leadership at Penn State Harrisburg — Vahid Motevalli, interim vice chancellor for academic affairs; Sharareh 'Sherri' Kermanshachi, associate vice chancellor for research; and Roderick Lee, associate professor of information systems — as well as Alexis Gosik, president and CEO of the Technology Council, for helping the University not only to share valuable resources but also to advance our land grant mission,Margo Dellicarpini说, vice president for Commonwealth Campuses and executive chancellor.